Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Lazy Dayz!

 Our Love Sack had a encounter with a loose bladder.  Therefore the dogs got dibbs on the Love Sack and are enjoying every minute of it.  Gus is now 12 years old and I'm sure his  joints love the soft pillow, as you can tell from the photo.


Alisha said...

That is a great picture! I love Gus:)

Mike Scott said...

I'm sorry, I have such difficulties controlling my bladder and really wanted Gus to have some relief! I can't believe he is 12! Craziness!

Whitni said...

My mom stayed the night at your house? I can't believe she still wets the bed. Hahaha.

J and Stac said...

I love that pic! So cute!

Nicole said...

Your blog looks goos! It is nice to be able to see everyone and see what they have all been up to. Maybe I can get Merilee to start one!